Tell me a story.

Your words have power.
Let me bring them to life.

Find out more

I enjoy collaborating withĀ writers of all ages to organize, develop, and craft their words into powerful and effective formsĀ of communication.Ā 

Editing/self-publishing questions?Ā 

ClickĀ here for more info!

Services Offered


Editing, proofreading, and
story or content development


Content for ads, emails, websites,
social media, and more.

Writing Instruction

Workshops and online courses to improve reading comprehension and writing

"I love working with an editor!

If youā€™ve never worked with an editor, you are missing out! Ronei has this way of making me appear so much smarter and succinct in print than I could ever hope to be on my own. Itā€™s like she knows what Iā€™m trying to say better than I do, and she does it more eloquently.

My company has several different types of communication that she has helped withā€”everything from blog posts to marketing copy to full press releases. She always manages to capture the correct information in an engaging way and in keeping with our desired tone."

Becky Caldwell
Executive Director
Virginia Highlands Festival


Tamsen Horton,
Author of
Easy as PB&J

We loved working with Ronei on our book Easy As PB&J. She made the process so easy! Even when you think your writing is good, an editor makes it better. We highly recommend Ronei and happy she is sharing her talents with so many people!

Becky Caldwell,
Executive Director
Virginia Highlands Festival

"I love working with an editor!

If you’ve never worked with an editor, you are missing out! Ronei has this way of making me appear so much smarter and succinct in print than I could ever hope to be on my own. It’s like she knows what I’m trying to say better than I do, and she does it more eloquently. My company has several different types of communication that she has helped with—everything from blog posts to marketing copy to full press releases. She always manages to capture the correct information in an engaging way and in keeping with our desired tone."

Brenda Powell,
Author of
Whispers from His Heart

"My brilliant editor and friend—you caught my heart and vision for this devotional from the beginning. Your kindness and support always encouraged me when I needed it most. Many thanks for your superb editorial expertise in making this book a finer read. And great job writing the word prompts for the Whispers. Well done!"

Brett Smith,
Owner of
Dothan Ice Cream Company

"I knew the proposal letter to my City Commissioners was a one-time shot. Ronei shaped it with powerful language, clear words, and clean punctuation. Working with Ronei was easy. I felt confident that she was in my corner." 

Scott Cuzzo,
Spry Mind

"Ronei has a gift with words. She has a knack for taking my thoughts, smoothing off my rough edges, and polishing them until they are shining brightly! She makes me come across like a pro! Deeply grateful for her help!"

Lisa Lentz,
Preston Taylor Ministries

"Ronei is extremely organized and methodical; an incredible wealth of knowledge I dipped into whenever I needed to fill an instructional gap in our program. Her researching skills are top notch."

“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life,
every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”

— Virginia Woolf

Coming this summer:
The How To Write Anything course


50% Complete

Two Step

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